What I Do

Fine Art. Illustration. Tattooing. Calligraphy. Interior design.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

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Artist: Chris Murphy

Artist: Chris Murphy
Oil on Glass

The Source:

My photo
Bellingham, WA
Welcome to my dumping ground. A spot for me to throw down my ideas and sources of inspiration. The good, the bad and the ugly of it all!

Welcome to Southern Cross Studio

Southern Cross Studio
I was born in Subiaco, Western Australia, in the Northwest Territory. Our family moved to the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. in 1974.

"My first memory of knowing I could really draw was in the third grade. We had to draw a boat for some reason - most of the class drew triangles with a stick out the top for a mast. I drew a three masted schooner with portholes and rigging. It helps having an artist for a mother and a naval architecht for a dad. I remember drawing from editions of 'Janes Fighting Ships' in our living room as a kid."

I now live with my family in Bellingham, WA. where I paint, illustrate and ink. I am currently accepting commission work for: Interior colorist, designer, illustrations, paintings and tattooing. I also accept corporate commissions for abstract oil paintings.